Waking up in the night to double check those Asana tasks?

Not anymore, love.

You’re not afraid to work hard for the business you’ve built, but you also want to have a freaking LIFE outside of it. And you might have even hired some folks to support you, but you still feel like you’re stuck in the day-to-day details.

When honestly, you just want to focus on taking your clients to new heights 💫

If running your business drains you of joy, energy, and confidence (even though you’re doing amazing work), you’re not alone. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

Oh darling, I’ve got you.

If Hermionie Granger did some spiritual exploration and found peace in living a life that’s simple, sustainable, and balanced…

That would be me. I LOVE creating strategies to help my clients build their dream business without losing themselves along the way. It’s YOUR business - it should run in a way that feels good to YOU! It’s my passion to help entrepreneurs create a business that feels most aligned with them and dig into the deeper meaning behind it all. 

So when you work with me, you’re getting full-on strategic planning AND my entire spiritual toolbox to guide the way.

I’m straight-up obsessed with what I do, because I know how incredible the results can be. And I’d love to help you to experience it too!

P.S. If you’re a spiritual visionary/leader/coach, we’ve found each other for a reason!

Click here to book a call and put the woo back in your work.

Wanna know if you can vibe with my energy?

I’m an open book (which I also love, btw - avid reader for life)

Leaving my corporate position was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done, but I’m so glad I took that leap into the online service provider world. I’ve literally gone from pregnant and homeless to running a multiple 6-figure business while working part-time hours - and you can too. I’m into creating a beautiful life for my son, my Frenchie (Bruce Wayne, BatDog), and myself to enjoy.

On a (deliciously) rainy day, you’ll find me curled up with a good book and the nearest cozy blanket. Other than that, I’m hangin’ with my super cool kid, traveling, or dominating a local Harry Potter trivia night.

I’m also very into anything spiritual, and learning how to clear mindset blocks to discover what feels right for me and my journey. And your girl’s taken a personality test or two along the way!

Get the full scoop here:

💡Enneagram 6w7

🧬Kolbe-A 8462

💖Myers Briggs ENFJ

🚀Human Design: Generator

♑Capricorn sun/Taurus rising

Fueled by coffee, dog snuggles, and strategy ❤️‍🔥 

And a few other things, too!